2013年4月25日 星期四

Cheap and easy energy saving tips

Spending those few extra minutes under the warm water of a shower on a cold morning could be costing you much more than you expect. 

One extra minute in the shower per day could be costing an extra $20 a year in power costs, which really adds up if you spend longer and longer in the steam. Leaving a TV or computer on standby instead of turning it off could rack up the power bill. 

Setting the computer to go into sleep mode when left alone can save power and costs, as can turning a waiting TV off at the wall when you leave the house.the largest suppliers and integrators of renewable laundryequipmentXX in the country. Close doors and use door snakes to keep the heat in the room you're using. 

Close curtains when the sun stops hitting the window. Sun in the windows is a great free heat source, but as soon as the sun is gone, keep the heat in with the curtains closed. Turning the hot water cylinder off when you go away saves you power. 

A 40 watt light bulb (a low light in the old incandescent bulbs, bright light in the new fluorescence ones) costs about $95 if left on for a year. So turning lights off when you're not in the room will save you money. 

A common myth about the cost of heating is that a heat pump is cheaper if left on all day keeping the house a constant temperature. Only running heating when you're there to enjoy it is cheaper than keeping it running all day for nearly all heating options, including heap pumps. 

If you're heating has a timer, setting it to turn before you get up and when you come home can save you lots on the power bill. 

Thin curtains reduce heat loss by about eight per cent, thick curtains keep 15 per cent more heat in and thick curtains with pelmets keep about 37 per cent more heat in your house than bare windows. 

Draft-proofing your window sills will make your house warmer. Draft tape is relatively cheap and should be easy to find in any hardware shop.LED lights use less power and last for much longer than streetlight13. 

You can even add some do-it-yourself double glazing to windows without paying a lot of money or needing to call in a builder. 

A thin plastic taped over the glass can add a protective air pocket to help keep warm air in and cold air out, and if you don't need a clear view, bubble wrap over the glass is a good insulator over windows. 

If you're worried about the costs of running your hot water cylinder, there are some things you can do that aren't as expensive as replacing the whole thing. 

Replacing an old shower head with newer water saving one can save you about $200 a year in power costs by using less hot water in each shower. 

Turning down the thermostat on your hot water cylinder from 70 to 60 degrees can save you about $15 a year without you noticing the change.We have a great selection of blown glass backyard solar landscape lights and ledbulbe27. However, you may need to get a plumber to do it for you save you potential harm, so be careful before you touch it. 

You can also get in insulation for your hot water cylinder to prevent heat loss, which can save about $40 a year, and you can even get a valve cosy, to go around the pressure release valve to save a little extra as well.Learn how the simplest possible bottegapurses works. 

Insulating hot water pipes, particularly if your hot water cylinder is outside the house, can help keep your hot water hot without extra power use. 

Choose your lighting depending on what you need to light. For example, spotlighting for workspaces,A large wind farm consist of several hundred roofhookert which are connected. such as the bench in the kitchen, rather than lighting up entire rooms is more efficient. 

A lamp in the right spot could be better than using the down lights in the ceiling to light the whole room. 

LED lights are the cheapest lighting to run, and avoid the toxic mercury issue compact florescent bulbs have, but LED lighting is more expensive to buy in the first place.

